How to Protect Carpet from Office Chair (Easy Fixes)

by Andrew Smith| Last Updated: October 27, 2021

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How to Protect Carpet from Office Chair

Your chair’s weight and its pressure on your carpet result in it aging faster than usual. Over time, the material may wear down and have a hole in it. If your carpet reaches this point, there are only two options for fixing the problem: replace or repair.

This article highlights easy solutions of how to protect carpet from office chair and avoid spending a lot on constant repairs and replacement.

You can use a desk chair with wheels on carpet, but it won’t glide smoothly and may damage it. However, you can stop your office chair from ruining your carpet using protective materials like rugs. Also, you can put chair mats, felt pads, bell glides, and glass mats under your desk chair on carpet.

Table of Contents

Can You Use a Desk Chair With Wheels on Carpet?

You can use a desk chair with wheels on a carpet, provided you don’t mind your carpet serving you for a shorter period than it should. Rolling wheels on the carpet means you risk damaging the fibers underneath. Moreover, the grooves and tears left are sometimes permanent.

Hence, it may be best to have something to place your wheels on top of or to detach the wheels.

To remove these casters, pull them out or unscrew the wheel assembly located near the front edge of the legs. Once the casters are off, place the chair directly onto the floor, use bell glides or attach your chair to a platform.

How Do I Stop My Office Chair from Ruining My Carpet?

The most common way people destroy their carpets in offices is through using low-quality seats, sitting down too hard, or leaning back against their chairs.

If this happens often enough, it could cause permanent damage to your floor covering. There are several things you can do to prevent this type of problem:

Buy a Rug Pad

Rug pads keep rugs clean and protected. They also reduce wear and tear on floors. When getting a rug pad, considering the material is critical.

Rug pad material plays a significant role in determining whether or not this solution works well. Some materials are better suited for certain types of floorings. Others are made specifically for carpets. 

Here are some examples:

Additionally, the pad’s durability is crucial. Look for features like reinforced seams, non-slip backing, and slip-resistant bottoms. Also, look for warranties that last longer than others.

Adjust Your Chair

When choosing a new office chair, it is best to pick an adjustable one. Selecting a chair that provides you with many positions ensures you are comfortable. Consider, therefore, an office chair with height adjustability, a swivel base, and even adjustable arms.

If you have a suitable sitting position, you have less need to move your chair to adjust yourself.

Consider Purchasing a Footrest

Footrests allow you to rest your feet comfortably without having to lean forward. Some models even come equipped with built-in heating pads, which add warmth during cold weather months.

Lesser movements mean lesser marking on the carpet, hence lesser damage. However, this option doesn’t eliminate the destruction your chair causes on your carpet.

Invest in Good Quality Furniture

Good quality furniture lasts longer. On the other hand, cheap furniture tends to break quickly because it doesn’t hold up over time. So, make sure you buy something sturdy and durable.

Suppose you buy a chair with flimsy wheels; these casters may fail to hold for long. With time, they may get jagged or broken, increasing in sharpness. What’s more? These may hook onto your carpet and tear it.

What Can I Put Under My Desk Chair on Carpet?

Several surfaces allow you to use your desk chair without rapidly messing your carpet. The most popular option is a chair mat.

Should You Use a Chair Mat on Carpet?

A mat helps protect carpets from scratches caused by moving objects. If you choose to go this route, look for a high-density foam mat explicitly made for use on hard surfaces like tile and wood. 

Do also avoid low-density mats since they aren’t strong enough to withstand heavy loads.

Below are more features to consider when getting a chair mat:

What Can I Use Instead of a Chair Mat?

There are many other options available besides a chair pad. One of them is getting a platform. A platform doesn’t work for everyone, though.

Therefore before opting for a chair platform, ensure that your chair allows you to sit at a comfortable working height.

As a rule of thumb, your arms should be level with your desk’s top while your feet should touch the ground perpendicularly to ensure you don’t hurt yourself or hamper your productivity.

As a result, non-ergonomic office chairs may not be the best option to use on a platform. Their fixed height may mean that your feet are dangling in the air as you work, or you are slouching in your chair to rest them on the ground. Sadly, none of these positions are good for your health.

On the other hand, a height-adjustable seat may work since you can lower the seat to attain a suitable working height.

In short, measure the distance between the ground and your knee caps’ underside. You can then measure your seat pan at its lowest height and subtract the value from the first measurement to determine how high your platform should be.

Also, measure the dimensions of your chair’s base to determine your platform’s length and width.

Other considerations include:

Is it Safe?

Platforms often come equipped with safety rails that prevent people from falling over backward. Make sure yours does too. Still, you can secure the seat to the platform by screwing it onto it.

How Easy Is it to Clean?

Platforms are typically easier to keep clean because they’re smaller than traditional pads. However, if you plan to have kids around, you might want to opt for something else.

If you decide to get a platform, remember to wipe down the surface regularly so dirt won’t accumulate there.

Besides platforms, there are more alternatives to chair mats, including a rug, non-wheeled chairs, felt pads, bell glides, or glass mats.

Non-wheeled chairs include those crafted from materials like wood, plastic, metal, and fiberglass. These usually cost less than cushioned wheeled chairs. But since they lack adjustability, they aren’t the best for long periods.

Bell Glide

These discs that you attach to your chair’s base allow you to glide without causing damage. What’s more, these glides ensure you don’t leave scuff marks and indentations.

Not to mention, bell glides are a cinch to attach to your office chair. Simply detach your wheels and slide them into the caster sockets.

Felt Pads

Felt pads are cheap but not so long-lasting. In fact, you can stay with felt pads for around three months to half a year. Moreover, they are only suitable for non-wheeled chairs.

Thankfully, these pads are easily attachable, and you only need to slide them onto your chair’s legs.

Glass Mats

Glass mats are increasing in popularity thanks to their smooth surfaces and aesthetic appeal under many lighting conditions. 

Unlike their fabric alternatives, these mats allow you to roll your chair on the surface with negligible resistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Office Chair Mats Ruin Carpet?

Office chair mats do not ruin carpets. In fact, an office chair mat cushions your carpet from the impact of your weight on the chair. 

However, ensure you get a sturdy and durable mat that adequately shields your carpet.

What Are the Best Types of Rugs for Carpets?

The best types of rugs for carpets depend on personal preference. Some rugs come in thick piles, while others have a soft texture. Thick piles tend to hold dirt better than thin ones. On the other hand, soft textures feel nice underfoot.

Wrap Up

With the different methods on how to protect the carpet from office chair, you should now have no problem buying that chair or carpet that you’ve always wanted to own.  

Even so, remember to always check out reviews online so you’ll get the information you need to make a smart purchasing decision.


  • Andrew Smith

    Andrew Smith is the founder of CozySeating, is a father of 2, and an engineer from one of the leading furniture stores in the country. Due to his 10 years of experience, he has proved to be the best person to offer advice to clients regarding different seating furniture based on their needs and performance. Besides, he is a specialist in product reviews and always keeps up with the current trends in the market.

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